About MBH
Muphamuzi Baby Home was opened in 2012 and is a bridge between abandoned and cherished. We pray it is a place where safety is found, a family is given, and hope is restored. Here, the staff and Baby Home Parents provide exceptional, nurturing, round-the-clock care for precious little ones who have been abandoned. But, exceptional care is not the ultimate goal of the home - it is finding permanent Christian adoptive families for each child who comes. It is run by 1Hope4Africa, a non-profit organization that is tied to Living Hope Church.
The Story
Muphamuzi Baby Home was inspired by a little boy named Muphamuzi and a family's desire to give abandoned children a home. Muphamuzi was born with special needs, HIV+ and abandoned at a governement hospital and given the name "Muphamuzi", which means "Give me a home".
At age 3 Muphamuzi was given a home and for the first time had a mommy and daddy. His family was amazed at what he started to become just from being in a family the way God designed the family. This brought on a more directed and focused approach to "orphan care" for this family and the 1Hope4Africa team. There are many ways to care for orphans, but 1Hope4Africa has a strong conviction that the best way to care for the orphan is to place each and every orphan into a family with a mommy and a daddy who love the Lord.
This is where the dream for Muphamuzi Baby Home was born. We stepped out in faith as a small team and in less than a year the Lord provided funds for us to purchase a home, renovate it, furnish it, decorate it, stock it, staff it.... and start caring and loving on babies until they are "given a home", a forever family.

Join the amazing team at Muphamuzi Baby Home.