about our internships
serving with MBH
Are you interested in serving as an intern at one of our baby homes?
The 1Hope Intern Program exists to provide godly ladies with an intensive season of service and discipleship, within the context of the local church, for the purpose of God-glorifying, Spirit-wrought conformity to the image of Christ. This is a volunteer program; interns are required to raise their own funds before coming and do not receive any compensation for their work while in South Africa.
Among other things, interns will:
- Actively participate in church life
- Meet weekly for discipleship with the Intern Coordinator
- Work 5-6 shifts a week at the Muphamuzi Baby Home or Atlarela Baby Home, caring for orphaned and abandoned babies 0-4 years old
- Serve in other ways which fit their unique, God-given gifts
Interns must be ladies* who are:
- Committed followers of Jesus Christ
- Progressively growing in Christlikeness/godliness
- Actively serving in their local church, which fully supports their desire to come serve with us
- Servant-hearted, mature, flexible, and teachable
- Able to communicate fluently in English (speaking, reading, and writing)
- At least 18 years old upon arrival in South Africa
- In possession of all required paperwork upon arrival in South Africa (passport, visa, etc.)
- Able to fully fund their own expenses (to, from, and within South Africa)
- Ideally, able to commit to serving with us for about 3 months (or longer if visas allow)
Although these are requirements, we do not expect our interns to be perfect. God is a God of grace and forgiveness who saves and sanctifies His children. We are not looking for perfect ladies, but growing ladies. Healthy, hard-working adult saints are welcome to apply. Since 2012, we’ve hosted volunteers from sister churches in Germany, Malawi, South Africa, Switzerland, and the United States.
If you’d like more information, to apply, or have questions for the Volunteer Coordinator, please contact Claire Scheideman at thescheidemans@gmail.com. Please include an introduction in your email letting us know a little about yourself, how you heard about our volunteer program, and the time period you would consider interning.
Soli Deo Gloria!
Claire Scheideman
Coordinator of Female Interns
1Hope Ministries International
Sarah Ray
Director of Female Interns
1Hope Ministries International