Chyreece Lester – MBH Manager

I currently serve at the Muphamuzi Baby Home as both the home and intern manager. As the home manager, I oversee day-to-day running of the home, such as, staff scheduling, menu planning, grocery shopping, scheduling medical appointments, development, addressing medical concerns/emergencies, etc. I ensure that the babies are well cared for, healthy, meeting their development milestones, and that their paperwork is in order. Additionally, I am responsible for calculating the staff’s monthly salaries and that their paperwork is up-to-date.
As the intern manager, I walk with the interns through their transition to life at MBH, meet with them for weekly discipleship, and provide support for any challenges or issues that may arise. I help them navigate various challenges, such as budgeting and managing cross-cultural relationships. I do my best, by God’s grace, to encourage the ladies to fully integrate into the baby home’s daily routine and the life of the church. 

In both of these roles I am a servant leader and problem-solver to the best of my abilities. I thank God for this work and I sincerely thank you for your prayers and support! 

“One thing have I asked of the LORD, that I will seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in His temple.”

Psalm 27:4, ESV

1HOPE Ministries

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