Atlarela Baby Home

Atlarela Baby Home

We are praising God that we were able to purchase a home in Pretoria East to start our second baby home, named Atlarela Baby Home. Atlarela means to receive gladly and with open hands in Setswana. Our prayer for this home is that God will enable us to gladly care and love on many little ones who will enter these doors! Much work has been done and our house parents, Akani and Lerato Hlungwane have been living here for 2 years. We currently have 5 babies in our care and lots of joy to go around. Our Aunties work hard and patiently to care for these little ones.

Bongi Makhura is the Manager at Atlarela and has her degree in Social Work. Bongi is originally from Zimbabwe, but came to uni in SA and stayed because of what God had done in her heart through her years at school. The Hlungwane's, Bongi, and the Aunties all work together and serve the Baby Home. She also works alongside an amazing crew of volunteers from Living Hope Church and the surrounding community that graciously give of their time. We thank God for her servant-hearted leadership!

1HOPE Ministries

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